Tags archives: how to market your business
Creating a powerful and effective local area marketing or social media strategy can be overwhelming, however it does not need to be. A key component of being able to make a difference and stand out as a preferred and recommended choice of solution provider is how we present ourselves to the local community is how we demonstrate and broadcast our "WHY" Our Why us compared to the local competitors Our Why we solve their problem better than any one else Our Why we take away their pain and frustration when others cant. I ask all of you to click on the video link and reflect on the message and how it has been crafted. https://youtu.be/piohRBLld8wTim What can you learn and apply to Local Area Marketing Strategy. I ta[...]
What is proximity marketing and how do AdPods work? Google Nearby has made it possible to ultra target customers who are close to the broadcasting device and is also known as proximity marketing, or hyperlocal marketing. Adpods are a small waterproof beacon about 50 mm square and 15mm high, inside is a piece of technology that broadcasts to android and ios enabled smartphones and tablets within a 100 meter radius. Adpods use a combination of Bluetooth and a phone or tablets locator beacon, in conjunction with Google's Nearby software technology to deliver a short message that once clicked takes the viewer to a nominated url. Whew what technical gibberish. In english it's a small plastic device that can be carried as a keyring or stuck on a wall or other hard surfa[...]
Are you find it hard to get your business found? Are you looking for a Local Area marketing Strategy that works? Local Area Marketing (LAM) is the process of identifying, designing and implementing a range of marketing initiatives in your local community that result in positive engagement with individuals, groups, organisations, local businesses, and both customers and affiliates to create and maintain a hometown advantage over your competitors. A successful Local Area Marketing should consist of a number of core elements such as: A local networking and affiliate relationship building strategy Local Google My Business presence, this is easy to set up, simply register for a google account and set up you g+ and get your business verified. Doing this and using Google plus will help[...]
Here is the Official Biggest Loser's guide to create a better marketing plan. Shape up, Look good, Have fun and start generating more leads anytime you like. This is a Tragic tale of an out of shape businesses that gained weight over winter, became unmotivated due to slowing sales and needed get into shape for the summer business season. Hey wait a minute, does this sound like your business? Are you feeling a little disillusioned, disheartened and lacking direction on how to move forward? You are not alone, if you are really serious about being in business then: It’s time to reflect and weigh in, Biggest loser style. It's time to turn on the camera and tell yourself how you let your business get this way, it used to be fast fit and exciting which is why you have invested so much t[...]
5 simple steps from Local Area Marketing Experts that will lead you to success. Workslocal know that a well thought out Local Area Marketing strategy is the key to your businesses success. In the USA we have seen people standing on the side of the road majestically twirling banners, here in Australia our sidewalks are populated with A-frames, and we say “Yeah that worked, but could we do it better? I wonder what would happen if it had a clear strategy?” To be successful at local area marketing you need to have a clear understanding of who your customers really are, don’t be delusional, not everyone want to be your customer or buy your widget. Have a clear idea of what message you want to send to them, these are just some of the things that can influence your message: age, social [...]
Would you like to know how to grow your customer base? Do you know the secret to building a clear picture of your customer? When developing a local area marketing plan that works, the first step is to get to know your community. If you’re lucky, you will already know the local area quite well, you may even live nearby. If this is the case you will be well prepared to develop your local area marketing plan. However, if your franchise is located in an unfamiliar area, it’s important that you do your research and find out more about the community your business serves. There are many ways you can communicate and connect with your target audience; here are just a few ideas which you should consider applying. Communicate Build 2 different databases, one for customers and one for your aff[...]
You can't help but notice car Number Plate Frames are popular because they work! Did you know that at the time of the 2015 Motor Vehicle Census (MVC), there were 18.0 million motor vehicles, registered in Australia? Right now the local car yard is using your car to promote their business for free! For decades car yards have used number plate frames to promote their business using you to do it for them! Go and check, it doesn’t seem right, but the do it because it works. This low cost Local Area Marketing Solution, will enable you to take back this space and start promoting your business to thousands of motorists, for as little as $5! Hand them out to your customers and run a competition to encourage them to put them on their cars. Ask how Workslocal can hel[...]
With so many marketing channels it can be confusing for businesses Do you understand what they are and how they impact your businesses marketing plan? Do you know what marketing channels you should be using to get that message to your target audience? Are you searching for local area marketing ideas and overwhelmed by all the possible options? In reality it should be simple and 10 years ago there were only a few choices, now it's a minefield of choice and confusion. Environment One strategy for your local area marketing ideas is to use narrowcast and concentrated marketing techniques such as sms or targeted social media ads, as opposed to broadcast marketing. Broadcast being traditional radio, print or TV that mass audiences will see. Another strategy is to focus on onl[...]
To learn how to create a successful marketing strategy you need to understand human behaviour? How there are subtle influences in their buying process, here is a break down of what you need to know. A successful marketing strategy need to take into account a range of emotions that the prospective buyer could be influenced by and design a campaign that will either counter or trigger that influencer. 1. People make decisions emotionally. They decide based on a feeling, need, or emotion, not through a logical thought process. That’s why intangible benefits are the keys to persuasion. When you’re writing, you should ask yourself, “What is the emotional hot button here?” 2. People justify decisions with facts. Example: a man sees an advertisement with a photo of a sports car an[...]