

Tags archives: marketing channels

  • 5 simple steps from Local Area Marketing Experts that will lead you to success. Workslocal know that a well thought out Local Area Marketing strategy is the key to your businesses success. In the USA we have seen people standing on the side of the road majestically twirling banners, here in Australia our sidewalks are populated with A-frames, and we say “Yeah that worked, but could we do it better? I wonder what would happen if it had a clear strategy?” To be successful at local area marketing you need to have a clear understanding of who your customers really are, don’t be delusional, not everyone want to be your customer or buy your widget. Have a clear idea of what message you want to send to them, these are just some of the things that can influence your message: age, social [...]

  • With so many marketing channels it can be confusing for businesses Do you understand what they are and how they impact your businesses marketing plan? Do you know what marketing channels you should be using to get that message to your target audience? Are you searching for local area marketing ideas and overwhelmed by all the possible options? In reality it should be simple and 10 years ago there were only a few choices, now it's a minefield of choice and confusion. Environment One strategy for your local area marketing ideas is to use narrowcast and concentrated marketing techniques such as sms or targeted social media ads, as opposed to broadcast marketing. Broadcast being traditional radio, print or TV that mass audiences will see. Another strategy is to focus on onl[...]